Smart Contract
Leeway Smart Contract is an Educational Platform integrated into the blockchain via a smart contract to facilitate the learning of Online Business Solutions as well as train members on essential digital money making skills such as Online Marketing, Ecommerce, Forex Trading and Cryptocurrency Trading
Our Vison is to be the most trusted and transparent financial education resource providing quality products for individuals and corporate bodies that will enable them achieve their financial goals.
Our Mission is to educate 1,000,000 individuals on how to profit from the online space helping them improve their lifestyle through better financial security
How Does
Leeway works
The payment process for the leeway contract is recorded on the blockchain providing 100% transparency and unalterable records
A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.
Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that records the provenance of a digital asset. It makes the history of any digital asset unalterable and transparent through the use of decentralization and cryptographic hashing.
The management system of Leeway Edu Platform from registration, commission, reward distribution and withdrawal will be handled by a Smart Contract. This will ensure zero manipulation of subscribers’ earnings and provide 100% transparency of funds distribution.
Smart contracts are self-executing, business automation applications that run on a decentralized network such as blockchain. This self-executing feature makes it possible for business to handles hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of transaction without any downtime and financial error.
Leeway Edu offers a one-time payment at each level. There are no monthly subscription or annual subscription. There is no subscription expiration of any kind unlike other training platform that require monthly or annual subscription. Leeway subscription is one-time fee on each level
Leeway Edu Platform courses will be available in seven different languages. These languages include English, French, Swahili, Arabic, Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa.
The university system offers a curriculum of various courses spread across multiple levels and the courses are arranged from beginners to advance as you go higher up the level. A new user starts from level 1 before getting a higher level. However, users can subscribe to the all levels upon registration but cannot register a higher level without first registering the previous level. The user has access to all courses and these contents are broken down in bits and easily understandable
Leve 1 | Freshman | $15 |
Leve 2 | Sophomore | $30 |
Leve 3 | Junior | $75 |
Leve 4 | Senior | $150 |
Leve 5 | Associate | $300 |
Leve 6 | Master | $750 |
Fee distributions
Registration | $ 15 | $ 30 | $ 75 | $ 150 | $ 300 | $ 750 |
Token Reward | $ 15 | $ 30 | $ 75 | $ 150 | $ 300 | $ 750 |
Referral Bonus | $ 15 | $ 30 | $ 75 | $ 150 | $ 300 | $ 750 |
Network Bonus | $ 4,917 | $ 9,384 | $ 24,586 | $ 49,172 | $ 98,345 | $ 245,862 |
Total ROI | $ 4,947 | $ 9,444 | $ 24,736 | $ 49,472 | $ 98,945 | $ 247,362 |
Team matrix earnings [TME]
upon completion of matrix
1 | 30% | $ 4.5 | $ 9 | $ 22 | $ 45 | $ 90 | $ 225 |
2 | 20% | $ 9 | $ 18 | $ 45 | $ 90 | $ 180 | $ 450 |
3 | 15% | $ 20 | $ 40 | $ 101 | $ 202 | $ 405 | $ 1,012 |
4 | 13% | $ 52 | $ 105 | $ 263 | $ 526 | $ 1,053 | $ 2,636 |
5 | 10% | $ 121 | $ 243 | $ 607 | $ 1,215 | $ 2,430 | $ 6,075 |
6 | 5% | $ 182 | $ 364 | $ 911 | $ 1,822 | $ 3,645 | $ 9,112 |
7 | 3% | $ 328 | $ 656 | $ 1,640 | $ 3,280 | $ 6,561 | $ 16,402 |
8 | 2% | $ 656 | $ 1,312 | $ 3,280 | $ 6,560 | $ 13,121 | $ 32,802 |
9 | 1.2% | $ 1,180 | $ 2,361 | $ 5,904 | $ 11,809 | $ 23,619 | $ 59,049 |
10 | 0.8% | $ 2,361 | $ 4,723 | $ 11,809 | $ 23,619 | $ 47,239 | $ 118,098 |
Total | $ 4,917 | $ 9,831 | $ 24,582 | $ 49,168 | $ 98,343 | $ 245,861 |
to register